We’re thrilled to announce that the Dream Project has a new logo, color palette, and website! We’ve broken down what’s changed, the reasons behind the refresh and how this impacts the organization and the students we serve: |
Has your mission changed?
No. We are committed to empowering students whose immigration status creates barriers to education; we are committed to their families; we are proud to welcome new partners into that work. Our refreshed branding and updated website will help us work more effectively.
What exactly changed?
We changed the Dream Project logo, colors, and website.
When do these changes go into effect?
Our rebranding has launched as of September 12, 2022. All future electronic and printed communications created after that date will reflect the new logo, colors, and website. Legacy materials that hold the original logo may still be used in specific contexts until we run through them. This decision will allow us to transition our band in an environmentally ethical and cost-effective way.
What does the new logo symbolize?
The new Dream Project logo marks a new chapter for the organization. While it is a straightforward rendering of the letters “d” and “p” for the Dream Project’s name, it also reflects additional imagery open to various interpretations. Some have seen the image of a roadmap, reflecting the Dream Project’s commitment to traveling alongside our students, helping to navigate the path wherever it’s going. Some have also seen a hint of a butterfly: a potent symbol of immigration representing a journey, aspiration, and transformation. Our classic original logo was developed in 2010 by two students from Yorktown High School: Henry Mejia (now a Dream Project board member) and his brother Sergio. Our new logo is shown primarily in a shade of blue that honors that original design; it is written in the font FS Lucas Pro.
Will this rebrand change day-to-day business operations?
While we may introduce new support methods over time, our rebrand will not change how we interact with you or how we carry out our programs. We will continue to offer our core programs, services, and scholarships. Over time, all related program materials will reflect the new branding.
Your website URL changed- Is there anything I need to do due to this change?
No action is required on your part. Our old URL (dreamproject-va.org) will automatically redirect to the new URL (dream-project.org). Using either will get you the correct result. You will see our new URL on all future communications.
What about email? Has my point of contact changed?
No. You will continue to be supported by the same contacts. Our employees have new email addresses, and you can update your records. Don’t worry – if you send something to one of our old email addresses, we will still receive it. A message sent to the old email domain (hello@dreamproject-va.org) will automatically forward to the new email domain (hello@dream-project.org). This is to ensure that we don’t lose anyone in our changeover.
Can I still connect with you on social media?
Yes! Our social media channels will keep the same addresses. You can see them here:
I have a Dream Project scholarship, loan, or case file; is it still valid?
Yes. All scholarships and contracts are still valid. We will update contracts with the new branding as they come up for renewal.
I’m a donor- do I need to do anything?
First of all, thank you! And secondly, there’s no need to take any action. You will notice our new logo and branding on communications.
Who was behind the design of the rebrand?
Our communications team worked with Robb Design, a small branding and design company owned and operated by Natalie Robb. She brought aboard photographer Dani Fresh to help develop the overall look and design of the site and copywriter Zoë Huelsman to work on descriptive language. You can see their work here:
It’s been a while. How do I get in touch with you?
You can connect with us directly through our website: https://dream-project.org/contact.