As you may know, the Dream Project began 10 years ago at Emma Violand-Sanchez’s kitchen table. She organized a group of people who knew students’ immigration status should never limit their educational aspirations. The pandemic presented a challenge of maintaining this vital sense of community that started at Emma’s home and means so much to Dream Project students and families. Covid-19 pushed us to create new ways to connect from our own homes while advocating for undocumented students in the community. Led by Board Member Mark Habeeb and in partnership with Busboys and Poets, we launched a series of virtual book talks called DARE TO DREAM: Important Conversations about Immigration, which is open to the public. The books and presenters selected reflect the struggles of our students, Dreamers and the immigrant community. Thanks to the virtual format, we have had highly esteemed authors such as Four-time Emmy Winner and NPR reporter, Maria Hinojosa and prize-winning poet, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo. Join us for future talks!

Supporter Spotlight: Board Chair Tim Lawler
The following story is from the Dream Project’s 2024 Annual Report “Supporter Spotlight” section. This year, we featured Board Chair